Do you know what links a data center without a proper device monitoring system and a car with a faulty engine? They are both doomed to fail – and rather sooner than later. Luckily, EasyDCIM supplies you with all the tools you need to keep your inventory well-organized and easily accessible. The 1.5.5 release we have the pleasure of announcing today, makes this process even more automated and time-effective that ever before!

Quick device and user overview

Our very latest edition of EasyDCIM all gravitated toward more intuitive forms navigation enabled by useful helpers and placeholders. Wanting to push this idea some further, we now added equally handy tooltips for at least several different device types in EasyDCIM. Owing to this, every time you hover over a certain device from your inventory, a pop up notification will appear with all crucial details on the given item.

Of course, the tooltip contents will vary depending on the device kind, including always the most essential information you may need on the fly.

For example, the tooltip of the server on the below screen includes such data as location, assigned client, status and bandwidth usage.

Server Details Tooltip - EasyDCIM v1.5.5

While here you may quickly pick such specifics of the chosen PDU like its label, model, location, number of outlets, or power usage from the set interval.

PDU Details Tooltip - EasyDCIM v1.5.5

The complete list of supported device types includes:

  • Server
  • Blade Server
  • Network (Switches & Routers)
  • PDU
  • Colocation
  • CPU, RAM and HDD Items

But that is not all. In the same manner you will be able to preview summary of each user and with a single glance access the list of their devices along with specific location plus aggregated traffic from last month.

Administrator Details Tooltip - EasyDCIM v1.5.5

Extended QR codes support

Another area of focus in EasyDCIM v1.5.5 are QR codes. Each data center consists of multiple interconnected appliances which most of the time are handled remotely, ensuring maximum administrative supervision. But what if you need physical access to a certain device? Unless you have your equipment properly systematized, finding the right item to work on may take more of your time than you can probably spare.

For this very purpose, we introduced the possibility to label each hardware component with designated QR codes that contain the most vital information on the device and can be easily printed out from the EasyDCIM panel.

Printable QR Code - EasyDCIM v1.5.5

To best illustrate how this simple function can optimize the management of your entire physical inventory, let us walk you through a real-life scenario:

  1. The administrator prints out the QR code for a device (a server in our case).
  2. Then, the QR code in a paper form is placed on the corresponding physical device in the server room.
  3. The data center technician scans the QR code using his smartphone.
  4. After clicking the link, a window opens up with all specifications about the device.
  5. The technician is able to quickly check which parts are to be manually added to the server, without even having to log in to the application.

And here is how the entire process looks like in a live demonstration:

Device Scanning Via QR Code in EasyDCIM v1.5.5 - Gif

Numerous other novelties and improvements

In addition to the already mentioned cornerstones, the toolkit of EasyDCIM has been further boosted with some other practical features as well.

    • Assigning metadata for such items like CPU, RAM or HDD
    • Possibility to define bulk metadata values for SNMP Settings and IPMI Settings

Metadata For SNMP Settings - EasyDCIM v1.5.5

  • Power to block certain actions within a particular device (boot device, install operating system, activate service and more)

Maintaining order in your data center inventory is one of the chores that we cannot get rid of entirely. Just yet at least. But we definitely can make it as automated, effortless, and labor-saving as possible.

As always, we would love to hear what you think about the type of Admin Experience we are striving towards with each next release of EasyDCIM. If there is anything you feel like sharing with our team, the comments section is all yours!

Oh, and do not forget to follow up on the remaining points of our 1.5.5 update!

View The Changelog!

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