Upgrade guide from Debian 11 to Debian 12

Over the past years we have developed a very good stability of EasyDCIM platform and Remote Agents functionality based on the Debian 11 operating system. High performance together with maximum security are the key factors why this operating system has been selected.
The last versions of EasyDCIM and Remote Agent supported by Debian 11 are:

  • EasyDCIM v1.10.0
  • Remote Agent v1.9.0

All subsequent versions of EasyDCIM and Remote Agents will only be supported by the Debian 12 operating system. Below are the upgrade guidelines from Debian 11 to Debian 12.

Making a backup copy

Before proceeding with the upgrade process, you need to make a backup copy. To do this, log into the EasyDCIM server using SSH and run the command:

sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/scripts/easydcim_backup.sh -O /opt/easydcim_backup.sh && sudo bash /opt/easydcim_backup.sh

The backup files will be made automatically and saved in the /opt/backups/ directory. There will be two backup files: database and files. If a local agent is detected then the script will also back up the Remote Agent’s database.

Upgrade of current EasyDCIM server with Debian 11

The latest version of EasyDCIM may work on the current server where EasyDCIM control panel is installed. In this case, you need to upgrade your Debian system from version 11 to version 12. Please note that this is a complicated process, and EasyDCIM may be unavailable for several dozen minutes.

To upgrade the Debian operating system on the EasyDCIM server you need to do the following:

  1. Download the script using the command:

    apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/migrate_debian12.sh -O /opt/migrate_debian12.sh

  2. Run the migrate command:

    sudo bash /opt/migrate_debian12.sh

Once the migration is done, update EasyDCIM to the latest version according to the guidelines:

apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/debian12/updater.sh -O /opt/updater.sh
sudo bash /opt/updater.sh --key 'KEY'

That’s all, EasyDCIM should be ready to use.

If you are interested in upgrading your current EasyDCIM server, this process can be done by our team free of charge. In order to do so, please contact us and provide your SSH access data to the EasyDCIM server, please also specify the hours when the server upgrade should be performed. Our team can perform the upgrade between 9 am and 3 pm GMT+2.

Remote Agent upgrade method

Remote Agents do not contain critical data on their servers. In most cases these are just the installation files used to install the operating systems and the ISO files for the Windows family of systems. To update the Debian operating system on the Remote Agent server you need to do the following:

  1. Download the script using the command:

    apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/migrate_debian12.sh -O /opt/migrate_debian12.sh

  2. Run the migrate command:

    sudo bash /opt/migrate_debian12.sh

After completing the above steps, update the Remote Agent files:

apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/debian12/remote_updater.sh -O /opt/remote_updater.sh
sudo bash /opt/remote_updater.sh

Of course, the whole above process can be done completely free of charge by our team. Please contact us and provide your SSH credentials of the Remote Agent server and specify the time when the server upgrade should be done. Our team can perform the upgrade between 9 am and 3 pm GMT+2.