Update Guide

If there is a new version of EasyDCIM released, there is no need for you to reinstall your system from the very beginning.

EasyDCIM platform update

Proceed to /opt directory

In order to update your EasyDCIM, log into your Console as a Super-User and proceed to /opt directory:

cd /opt

Download the updater script

Remain in the /opt directory and use the wget or curl tool to obtain the updater script.

apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/debian12/updater.sh -O /opt/updater.sh

Run the updater

Use the command below to download and configure your customized EasyDCIM package.

sudo bash /opt/updater.sh --key 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'

Then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.

Well done! You have just updated your EasyDCIM platform.

Remote Agent update

Use the commands below to update your remote agent.

apt-get install sudo && sudo wget https://www.easydcim.com/download/updater/debian12/remote_updater.sh -O /opt/remote_updater.sh
sudo bash /opt/remote_updater.sh

Then follow the on-screen instructions to continue.