Support Team Access

In certain situations, the EasyDCIM support team may require access to the server with the EasyDCIM system installed. SSH server access enables quicker and more effective troubleshooting by examining system services and custom logs.

Access management from the backend section

In order to allow the support team to access the SSH server, you need to go to EasyDCIM’s advanced settings. To do this, select ‘Basic’ → ‘System Access’ from the side menu.

In this section, you will find a button to enable or disable access to the SSH server:

  • Enable Support Team Access - this option will be accessible if establishing the access is doable. If you want our support team to be able to log in to your SSH server, enable this option.
  • Disable Support Team Access - this option will be accessible if the access has been already established. If you no longer want our support team to be able to log into your SSH server, turn on this option.

Access management from the command line

It is possible to manage access from the command line if the backend section is not accessible. Such a situation may occur, for example, in case of problems with the web server or database.

Please input the following lines into the command line to enable or disable access to the SSH server:

  • Enable Support Team Access:
sudo bash /opt/easydcim/scripts/support/ enable
  • Disable Support Team Access:
sudo bash /opt/easydcim/scripts/support/ disable


When enabling access to the SSH server, the script performs the following actions:

  • Adding the public SSH key to the configuration file: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Restarting the SSH server.

When disabling access to the SSH server, the script performs the following actions:

  • Removing the public SSH key from the configuration file: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Restarting the SSH server.

The support team’s public SSH key:

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNu+NEoShgR/moDDo8kKiFObKNZ2RPUTjUnZFr38q0E7TLMwYI5ZOcDcePoC2PXCmBb6lI5S0LbdpdLZzOVpdhs= EasyDCIM-Support-Team